Quality of
15 +
ThetaBiomarkers staff boasts active researchers with very strong track record in novel research and innovation development. Our researchers have been central in the organisation and successful realisation of pioneering work resulting to landmark publications.
Research and development
Research and development is a fundamental, important part of ThetaBiomarkers scope and activity. We systematically collaborate with high profile scientists from world renown research centers.
65+ funded competitive research projects
We have experience in research grant preparation: application writing, coordinating, managing, and successfully fulfilling more than 65 competitive research projects funded from an array of national and international bodies (FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, GSRT)
We have also extensive experience in grant evaluating and project monitoring for more than 25 research funding organisations from around the Globe (USA, Canada, UK, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Japan, France, Spain and other countries).
Validated methods
Our methods are validated, have been peer reviewed and published in high-rank analytical Journals and have been tested in real life in the analysis of thousands of biological samples. We own a large portfolio of SOPs for the determination of biomarkers, biomolecules, pharmaceuticals and their metaboliltes. We can assist in method development, validation and transfer to collaborators.

Excellence in R&D
Establishment and promotion of Quality Control protocols for LC-MS metabolomics.
First utilization of SPME in life sciences in Greece.
First introduction of LC-MS metabolomics in Greece
Our scientists have published more than 300 research articles and edited 7 books in the topic of bioanalysis. These works generated more than 18.000 citations (May 2022). Our work have been presented in more than 300 international scientific conferences, meetings and workshops, as invited lectures, oral and poster presentations.